G4S Allied Universal

GMB Standing strong with G4S Security Officers

GMB Standing strong with G4S Security Officers Read More »

G4S Security Guards (DWP) on the Picket Line

Supporting G4S Security Guards: A Stand for Fair Pay and Dignity at Work


G4S Security Guards contracted by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) have taken a bold and necessary step. By striking and picketing Job centers across the country, they are not just fighting for themselves, but for the dignity and fair treatment of all workers. As these dedicated individuals stand on the front lines of a vital public service, their struggle for fair pay and respect at work deserves our unwavering support.


 The Role of G4S Security Guards


G4S Security Guards play a crucial role in maintaining the safety and order of Job centres. These facilities, which provide essential services to millions of people, rely on the professionalism and vigilance of these guards to ensure a secure environment. Their duties often extend beyond mere surveillance, including conflict resolution, emergency response, and offering a reassuring presence to vulnerable individuals seeking assistance.


Despite the importance of their work, these guards are underpaid and overworked, a reality that has pushed them to the breaking point. The current strike is a response to years of systemic undervaluation, and it highlights the urgent need for change.


The Fight for Fair Pay


The core of the G4S Security Guards’ demands is fair pay. For too long, these essential workers have received wages that do not reflect the significance or the challenges of their roles. In many cases, their compensation falls short of a living wage, forcing them into financial instability. This is not only unjust but also unsustainable, as it undermines their ability to perform their duties effectively.


Fair pay is not just about monetary compensation; it is about recognising the value of their work. It sends a message that their contributions are essential and appreciated. By fighting for fair pay, these guards are advocating for a more equitable system where workers are rewarded justly for their labour.


Dignity at Work


Beyond financial remuneration, the striking G4S Security Guards are demanding dignity at work. This encompasses respect, reasonable working conditions, and the right to be heard. Far too often, security guards face disrespect and mistreatment, both from the public and their employers. Their job is demanding and can be dangerous, yet their voices are frequently marginalised.


Dignity at work means having a say in their working conditions, being treated with respect by management, and having access to necessary resources and support. It means recognising their humanity and the challenges they face daily. By striking, these guards are asserting their right to a workplace that respects and values them as individuals.


Why We Should Support the Strikers


1. Equity and Justice: Supporting the strikers is a stand for equity and justice in the workplace. It is about ensuring that all workers, regardless of their role, are treated fairly and with respect.


2. Economic Stability: Fair wages contribute to the economic stability of workers, enabling them to support their families and participate fully in the economy. This, in turn, benefits society as a whole.


3. Quality of Public Services: When security guards are fairly compensated and treated with dignity, they are better equipped to perform their duties. This leads to safer, more efficient Job centres, benefiting everyone who relies on these services.


4. Moral Responsibility: As a society, we have a moral responsibility to stand with those fighting against exploitation and injustice. Supporting the G4S Security Guards aligns with our collective values of fairness and respect for all workers.


How You Can Support


– Join the Picket Line: If possible, show your support by joining the picket line. Your presence can boost the morale of the striking workers and demonstrate public solidarity.


– Spread the Word: Use social media and other platforms to raise awareness about the strike. Sharing articles, videos, and personal testimonies can help garner broader support.


– Contact Your Representatives: Reach out to local and national representatives to express your support for the striking workers and urge them to take action in addressing their demands.




The G4S Security Guards on the DWP contract are not just fighting for fair pay and dignity at work; they are standing up for the rights of all workers. Their courage and determination highlight the ongoing struggles faced by many in the workforce, and their success can pave the way for broader changes. Let us stand with them, amplify their voices, and work towards a more just and equitable future for all 

G4S Security Guards (DWP) on the Picket Line Read More »


Dear members,

The strength and resolve of members continues grow.

The pictures and videos from the picket lines and demonstrations all across the country, and around the world, are amazing.

This week we have issued cease and desist letters to the key agencies that you have notified us of.

Already one agency, SGS, have replied to say that they have reviewed the requests from G4S for staff on strike days and given their concerns, are no longer going to be providing those staff.

We expect that as the dispute continues the remaining agencies will reconsider their position too.

We have also been asked to supply further information to the Employment Inspectorate to support an investigation into the supply of staff on the strike days past.

The SIA have also been contacted about the use of agency staff and we will continue to hold agencies accountable.

Separately we are also calling on DWP to join the negotiations at ACAS as this issue now impacts them directly – they can’t avoid their responsibilities to be a part of the solution.

This also extends to the health and safety breaches that members are alerting us to across the sites.

Members continue to join GMB to secure a better pay offer and win back dignity at work!

Please click the link to see a short message about the industrial action – https://youtu.be/4cCGn2ReGRs

We will continue to stand together in solidarity and strength.

Yours in union,

GMB DWP LNC Reps & GMB National Officer


On The Picket Line – Fair Pay for Security

On The Picket Line – Fair Pay for G4S DWP Security Guards

The GMB and G4S have been in discussions regarding a pay raise effective December 1st, 2022. Initially, G4S proposed a 5.15% increase, while inflation hovered around 13.5%. As negotiations progressed to stage 2, G4S insisted on us taking the offer to a ballot, which was subsequently rejected by the members.

Following protocol outlined in the recognition agreement, consultations were held through ACAS, but proved unfruitful as G4S failed to sufficiently enhance the offer. After two additional meetings, it was determined that binding arbitration was necessary.

The GMB outlined terms of reference (TOR) specifying the dates and period the pay increase should encompass. However, G4S sought to impose restrictions, capping the maximum arbitrator award at 7%. This proposition was deemed unacceptable and contrary to the agreement’s intent.

The GMB has held numerous meetings, during which G4S attempted to enhance the offer by manipulating award dates and percentages. Subsequently, they sought to utilize the 2023 award to sweeten the deal.

In response, the GMB conducted a ballot among members regarding strike action, resulting in an overwhelming mandate with over 90% supporting the strike.

G4S security guards employed on the DWP contract serve as essential workers, safeguarding civil servants and the public. On the frontline, they regularly face verbal and physical threats, placing themselves at risk. Shockingly, more than 70% of G4S DWP Guards currently earn minimum wage, a situation deemed unacceptable. These dedicated professionals, integral to community safety, deserve salaries commensurate with their responsibilities.

Both DWP and G4S must present a fair pay offer that acknowledges the vital role these workers play in protecting and serving the community.

On The Picket Line – Fair Pay for Security Read More »

G4S Seeking Strike Breakers For DWP Contract

G4S Seeking Strike Breakers For DWP Contract


Dear Member,

We hope you are well.

This email is to update you on potential strike action by your fellow GMB members employed by G4S on the DWP contract.

We are aware that G4S is asking Events staff (and possibly others) to help them break the proposed strikes at Job Centres and DWP locations across the UK during May.

We want GMB members to know clearly what is really behind the requests for your support for the “G4S family” at Job Centres etc.

Your fellow GMB members on the DWP contract recently voted by 94% to take strike action and we would ask for fellow GMB members to support them in their fight for a decent pay rise for 2022/23 by not taking shifts that would help G4S break the strikes.

Nearly 90% of your fellow GMB members on the DWP contract are now on the minimum wage of £11.44, so this struggle for better wages is crucial to them – please see the DWP noticeboard for more information here:


G4S Secure Solutions Noticeboard | GMB Union


There will be a number of demonstrations across the UK so please contact your local GMB Region to find out more.

Once again we are seeking your support in refusing to work as a ‘strike breaker’ on the DWP contract.


Yours in union

GMB DWP LNC.                                                                         GMB NATIONAL OFFICER



G4S Seeking Strike Breakers For DWP Contract Read More »


25th April 2024


Dear members, 

In yesterday’s email from G4S you can now see for yourselves the pressure G4S have been putting your GMB Reps under in negotiations.

G4S claims to care about you, yet at the same time are also proposing to withhold backpay unless you do what they want.

G4S has already admitted that the original one-year offer was ‘disappointing’, yet the two-year proposal is only ‘affordable’ because it combines that ‘disappointing’ offer and uses members backpay to fund the second year ‘rate’.

Members can see for themselves the significant reduction in backpay in the table below when you compare the offer rejected in December and the two-year proposal.

That offer is only ‘affordable’ because by staggering the increases over the two years G4S save on backpay, but it still leaves members just £0.23p above the minimum wage, down from £0.30p, meaning G4S still expect members to go backwards.

The offer also does nothing to address the cost-of-living crisis that G4S admitted they knew members were experiencing in 2022/23.

Your LNC were unanimous that it was not appropriate to expect members to forgo money just to fund a ‘rise’ that DWP and G4S should be paying for.

We remain committed to negotiations and are expecting G4S to return next Tuesday with a response to our position.

At the end of the day, G4S is clearly worried about the impact of your strike action, if it wasn’t it wouldn’t be acting in a manner that smacks of desperation.

Once again thank you for your continued support.

Yours in union,

GMB LNC Reps and GMB National Officer



G4S- PAY FOR YOUR OWN ‘Pay Rise’! Read More »


25th April 2024


Dear members, 

In yesterday’s email from G4S you can now see for yourselves the pressure G4S have been putting your GMB Reps under in negotiations.

G4S claims to care about you, yet at the same time are also proposing to withhold backpay unless you do what they want.

G4S has already admitted that the original one-year offer was ‘disappointing’, yet the two-year proposal is only ‘affordable’ because it combines that ‘disappointing’ offer and uses members backpay to fund the second year ‘rate’.

Members can see for themselves the significant reduction in backpay in the table below when you compare the offer rejected in December and the two-year proposal.

That offer is only ‘affordable’ because by staggering the increases over the two years G4S save on backpay, but it still leaves members just £0.23p above the minimum wage, down from £0.30p, meaning G4S still expect members to go backwards.

The offer also does nothing to address the cost-of-living crisis that G4S admitted they knew members were experiencing in 2022/23.

Your LNC were unanimous that it was not appropriate to expect members to forgo money just to fund a ‘rise’ that DWP and G4S should be paying for.

We remain committed to negotiations and are expecting G4S to return next Tuesday with a response to our position.

At the end of the day, G4S is clearly worried about the impact of your strike action, if it wasn’t it wouldn’t be acting in a manner that smacks of desperation.

Once again thank you for your continued support.

Yours in union,

GMB LNC Reps and GMB National Officer



G4S- PAY FOR YOUR OWN ‘Pay Rise’ Read More »

DWP – Industrial Action Notice Served – Copy

23rd April 2024



Dear GMB Members,

We hope this newsletter finds you well and we want to reiterate again our thanks to members for your patience.

We have now served the formal legal notice of the following strike dates in May:

  • From 00.00 on Tuesday 7th May 2024 to 23.59 on Wednesday 8th May 2024
  • From 00.00 on Monday 13th May 2024 to 23.59 on Monday 13th May 2024
  • From 00.00 on Monday 20th May 2024 to 23.59 on Monday 20th May 2024
  • From 00.00 on Tuesday 28th May 2024 to 23.39 on Wednesday 29th May 2024

These dates have been identified by your GMB LNC as looking to have maximum impact on operations in May.

As previously discussed members who participate in the strike action will be eligible for support, and it has been agreed that this will be £70 each day. Each Region will determine the eligibility for this support and they will also lead on the location and operation of pickets in your GMB Regions.

To support this, on Wednesday 30th a number of GMB Regions will look to host online meetings with GMB members to discuss and outline their regional plans – you will receive specific invites to each meeting direct from your Region.

It is also important to note that it is not appropriate for Company representatives to question members on whether they are participating in the strike action – you are not obliged to answer any questions and if you are asked please ensure you notify your local LNC Rep and/or GMB Officer.

As you can see below, in October 2022 the Company described their pay offer as “disappointing” and actually sought additional funds from the DWP, however when that was rejected, the Company began to describe the offer as ‘great’.

Since then almost nothing has changed, with the Company refusing to contribute any meaningful additional funds to secure a settlement, and instead constantly using virtually the same pot of money in different ways.

Both DWP and G4S now need to come back to the table with a proper offer that addresses the cost of living crisis that members experienced and was acknowledged at the start of the talks, and this must involve additional funds.

We also need to reinforce that only GMB members will have a say in resolving this dispute and securing a settlement. If you have colleagues who are not in GMB – regardless if they are members of another union – ultimately they will not have a say in this dispute – if they want a say then they need to join GMB here: https://www.gmb.org.uk/join-gm…

In solidarity,

GMB DWP LNC and GMB National Officer


DWP – Industrial Action Notice Served – Copy Read More »

DWP – Industrial Action Notice Served

23rd April 2024



Dear GMB Members,

We hope this newsletter finds you well and we want to reiterate again our thanks to members for your patience.

We have now served the formal legal notice of the following strike dates in May:

  • From 00.00 on Tuesday 7th May 2024 to 23.59 on Wednesday 8th May 2024
  • From 00.00 on Monday 13th May 2024 to 23.59 on Monday 13th May 2024
  • From 00.00 on Monday 20th May 2024 to 23.59 on Monday 20th May 2024
  • From 00.00 on Tuesday 28th May 2024 to 23.39 on Wednesday 29th May 2024

These dates have been identified by your GMB LNC as looking to have maximum impact on operations in May.

As previously discussed members who participate in the strike action will be eligible for support, and it has been agreed that this will be £70 each day. Each Region will determine the eligibility for this support and they will also lead on the location and operation of pickets in your GMB Regions.

To support this, on Wednesday 30th a number of GMB Regions will look to host online meetings with GMB members to discuss and outline their regional plans – you will receive specific invites to each meeting direct from your Region.

It is also important to note that it is not appropriate for Company representatives to question members on whether they are participating in the strike action – you are not obliged to answer any questions and if you are asked please ensure you notify your local LNC Rep and/or GMB Officer.

As you can see below, in October 2022 the Company described their pay offer as “disappointing” and actually sought additional funds from the DWP, however when that was rejected, the Company began to describe the offer as ‘great’.

Since then almost nothing has changed, with the Company refusing to contribute any meaningful additional funds to secure a settlement, and instead constantly using virtually the same pot of money in different ways.

Both DWP and G4S now need to come back to the table with a proper offer that addresses the cost of living crisis that members experienced and was acknowledged at the start of the talks, and this must involve additional funds.

We also need to reinforce that only GMB members will have a say in resolving this dispute and securing a settlement. If you have colleagues who are not in GMB – regardless if they are members of another union – ultimately they will not have a say in this dispute – if they want a say then they need to join GMB here: https://www.gmb.org.uk/join-gm…

In solidarity,

GMB DWP LNC and GMB National Officer


DWP – Industrial Action Notice Served Read More »

DWP – Industrial Action Ballot Result

       Bulletin No April 2024     


Industrial Action Ballot Result

 April 2024

Dear members,

Please see below details of the recent ballot.


Industrial Action Ballot at G4S Secure Solutions (UK) Limited

The results of this ballot for industrial action are:

  • NUMBER OF “YES” VOTES – 503 (94.37%)
  • NUMBER OF “NO” VOTES – 30 (5.63%)

The Employer has been made aware of the result.

Please see the scrutineer’s report here: 


Thank you to all members who voted in the ballot – your GMB LNC will now convene to agree next steps.

Yours in union,

GMB National Officer

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