G36 Branch News

G4S Westminster Demo DWP

Well done to all the dedicated GMB members who stood strong at today’s demonstration in Westminster. Your fantastic turnout and clear message to G4S and DWP made a powerful impact. Let’s keep the momentum going—see you all again tomorrow on the picket line. Solidarity!

Check out the photo’s on the Branch Website


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Branch Meeting

The next quarterly Health and Safety meeting will be held on: 
Date: Friday 14th June 2024 
Start Time:10:00 am 
Venue: GMB 3 Park View Road, Welling, Kent DA16 1SY
I trust you will be able to attend and whould be grateful if you could arrange with your Manager to be granted the appropriate paid time off to attend. 
Please would you confirm your attendance via email to infoWelling@gmb.org.uk   
Please be advised that parking at the Welling office is limited, you should therefore park in the side streets – Roseacre Road (to the side of the office) has free parking. 
I look forward to seeing you, on the 14th June.  
Dave Gigg
G36 Security Branch Secretary

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Attention, Security Professionals!!

In our line of work, security personnel play a crucial role. Alongside this, fair compensation, secure workplaces, and mutual respect are equally vital. If you’re in the security sector, your perspective matters.

Our partners at UNI Global have initiated the Global Security Workers Survey! You can access it through this link: https://uniglobalunion-surveys.org/

Join the largest survey of security professionals. It’ll only take 3-5 minutes and can be easily completed on your smartphone.

Spread the word among your peers.

In Solidarity
Dave Gigg

G36 Security Branch Secretary
GMB Southern Region


Central Executive Council Elections 2024

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GMB Central Executive Council Elections 2024

Cast Your Vote Today!

Make your voice heard by voting in the GMB Central Executive Council Elections. It’s your chance to shape the future of our organisation.

Remember to utilise your ballot paper and exercise your right to vote. At the GMB, democracy is at the heart of what we do, and your participation is crucial.

Vote now and have a say in our collective future!

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Private Security Industry: A Call for Collaboration and Investment

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The growth of the private security industry in the UK presents a collective challenge that requires a collaborative approach. It is essential for us, as a society, to ensure a sustained and elevated standard of professionalism within this sector. This necessitates a genuine commitment to investment from private security providers, not only in the enforcement training but also in areas such as integrated technologies, social care, and health and safety.
Professional security personnel regularly face diverse encounters with individuals from all walks of life, often in demanding conditions. Despite the multifaceted skill set required for this role, the industry has yet to make adequate investments in honing these essential capabilities. Addressing this gap is crucial for the overall advancement of the industry.
Additionally, the industry must rectify the inadequacies in remuneration and employment terms. Currently, a significant portion of security professionals receive remuneration at or just above the minimum wage, with no other contractual benefits, overtime is paid at standard rates and everything else is calculated at the statutory minimum which deters potential candidates from considering this profession. This disparity not only undermines the industry’s appeal but also signals a clear lack of regard for the professional status attached to security professionals.
To instigate change, a collaborative effort is imperative. Education plays a vital role, both for service providers and the general public, in fostering a deeper understanding of the crucial services offered by the private security industry. By collectively advocating for improved working conditions, fair compensation, and comprehensive investments in professional development, we can strive towards a more equitable and respected private security sector that truly serves the needs of our society.

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The Next Branch Meeting

The Next Branch Meeting

The next branch meeting will be held on Friday 15th March 2024 The venue is GMB Welling Office, 3 Park View Road, Welling, Kent DA16 1SY with a 10.00am start. All members welcome Dates for 2024 branch meetings all to be held at GMB Welling Office Friday 15th March 2024 Friday 14th June 2024 Friday 13th September 2024 Friday 13th December 2024 Please be advised that parking at the Welling office is limited, you should therefore park in the side streets - Roseacre Road (to the side of the office) has free parking. 

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GMB Political Fund

Dear Branch Members

Voting to keep our Political Fund will open on 11 October. The Political Fund is our union’s campaign fund. It allows us not only to have a strong industrial voice, but a strong political one too.

And through the Political Fund, we have achieved so much.


We brought ambulance workers to Parliament, to speak to politicians directly about their dispute and why it mattered.
We put ASDA bosses in front of select committees to be questioned on their unfair working practices.
We are raising the voices of women workers to put pressure on local politicians to fix equal pay scandals across the UK.

There is so much more to do. And that’s why we need you, our members, to vote YES in the Political Fund ballot.

To find out more, go to: www.gmb.org.uk/voteyes

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National Equalities Summit

We’re pleased to confirm that we are running five online National Equality Summits this Autumn – giving our underrepresented members the chance to come together to develop their knowledge of workplace organising and campaigning.


All Regions are invited to send attendees who belong to the five equality groups to the summits, with no limit on how many members can attend and no requirement for any level of experience. This learning and development opportunity is open to all members who identify with the relevant group, and members new to campaigning are most welcome.


Please see more details here: gmb-equality-summits-2023 (gmb-southern.org.uk)


As a result of there being no limit to the number of attendees, it has been agreed that we will advertise the summits to all GMB Southern Region members. However, Branches like yours will be informed of who has applied to attend and asked to raise any concerns.


Please share this information with your members and ask them to apply for a place using the links below:


Race Summit – Black, Asian and minority ethnic workers: Saturday 4 November 


Disabled Workers Summit: Saturday 18 November


Young Workers Summit – Workers age 30 & under: Saturday 25 November


Women Workers Summit: Saturday 2 December


LGBT+ Workers Summit: Saturday 9 December



The deadline for applications to be received by the Region is Thursday 5th October at midday.


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Creating a Robust Profession: Improving the Perception of Security Workers

Security workers play a crucial role in our society, ensuring the safety and protection of individuals, businesses, and critical infrastructure. However, the perception of security workers has often been negative, with many considering it as a stop gap job rather than a respected profession. It is time for the security industry to unite and work together to change this perception and create a robust profession that attracts dedicated individuals.

One of the key factors in improving the perception of security workers is to offer better terms and conditions. Currently, many security jobs are low-paid with long working hours and limited career progression opportunities. This not only discourages talented individuals from considering security as a profession but also attracts workers who are not truly interested in security but rather see it as a temporary source of income.

To address this issue, security companies should strive to offer competitive salaries and benefits to their employees. This would not only attract skilled professionals but also incentivize them to stay in the industry for the long term. Additionally, providing opportunities for career development and progression within the security sector would give workers a sense of purpose and motivation to excel in their roles.

Another important aspect of improving the perception of security workers is to enhance their training and education. Currently, the training requirements for security workers vary widely.By establishing enhanced standardised and comprehensive training programs, security workers can acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their duties effectively and professionally.

The current professional certification system (SIA) for security workers does add some credibility and legitimacy to the industry. This certification serves as a good start but needs enhancing further. Although SIA certification is mandatory. more needs to be done to raise the overall standard of the industry.

The security industry also needs to actively engage in public outreach and education to change the perception of security workers. This can be done through various means such as community events, educational campaigns, and collaboration with other industries. By showcasing the importance and professionalism of security workers, we can challenge the stereotypes and prejudices that have plagued the industry for far too long.

In conclusion, it is imperative for the security industry to come together and improve the perception of security workers. This can be achieved through better terms and conditions, enhanced training and education, and active public outreach. By creating a robust profession that attracts dedicated individuals, we can ensure the safety and security of our communities while offering fulfilling careers to security workers

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