Apply to be a GMB Union Representative!

Activists serve as the backbone of the GMB Union. It is through their dedicated efforts that we safeguard the rights of employees, advocate for improved working practices, and support those in need. They play a vital role in bridging the gap between employers and employees in the workplace, negotiating on crucial matters to ensure that every voice is heard.

If you’re eager to become more involved in your union, now is the perfect time to take action. A fantastic opportunity to increase your engagement within the GMB Union.

Workplace Representatives

If you believe you possess the qualities required for these roles, sign up using the form provided on the right.

While these positions may seem challenging, it’s important to note that all our workplace representatives undergo comprehensive training covering all areas of their responsibilities. This training offers an excellent opportunity for learning and networking with fellow GMB activists from various workplaces and sectors. Health and Safety representatives, in particular, receive specialized training as mandated by law. Following your training, you will receive support and guidance from other representatives or your union’s full-time official.

Workplace representatives are eligible for nomination to different lay delegate or representative positions.

Branch Officers

Every member belongs to a union branch. Typically, branches are based on workplaces, but they can also revolve around industries or geographic regions. The branch serves as a pivotal structure through which members can come together to engage in the union’s activities and democracy, access services, recruit new members, organize campaigns, address local concerns, and influence GMB Union policy.

Branch officers are elected from among the branch members. Your lead reps or branch officials will provide details on the election procedures. All branch officers must be elected for the upcoming electoral term before the end of March 2022.