Dear members,
The strength and resolve of members continues grow.
The pictures and videos from the picket lines and demonstrations all across the country, and around the world, are amazing.
This week we have issued cease and desist letters to the key agencies that you have notified us of.
Already one agency, SGS, have replied to say that they have reviewed the requests from G4S for staff on strike days and given their concerns, are no longer going to be providing those staff.
We expect that as the dispute continues the remaining agencies will reconsider their position too.
We have also been asked to supply further information to the Employment Inspectorate to support an investigation into the supply of staff on the strike days past.
The SIA have also been contacted about the use of agency staff and we will continue to hold agencies accountable.
Separately we are also calling on DWP to join the negotiations at ACAS as this issue now impacts them directly – they can’t avoid their responsibilities to be a part of the solution.
This also extends to the health and safety breaches that members are alerting us to across the sites.
Members continue to join GMB to secure a better pay offer and win back dignity at work!
Please click the link to see a short message about the industrial action – https://youtu.be/4cCGn2ReGRs
We will continue to stand together in solidarity and strength.
Yours in union,
GMB DWP LNC Reps & GMB National Officer