
I am currently a National Convenor for the GMB in one of the Branch Companies. I have been in this role for several years. I am also the Branch Communications Officer for the G36 Security Branch

Creating a Robust Profession: Improving the Perception of Security Workers

Security workers play a crucial role in our society, ensuring the safety and protection of individuals, businesses, and critical infrastructure. However, the perception of security workers has often been negative, with many considering it as a stop gap job rather than a respected profession. It is time for the security industry to unite and work together to change this perception and create a robust profession that attracts dedicated individuals.

One of the key factors in improving the perception of security workers is to offer better terms and conditions. Currently, many security jobs are low-paid with long working hours and limited career progression opportunities. This not only discourages talented individuals from considering security as a profession but also attracts workers who are not truly interested in security but rather see it as a temporary source of income.

To address this issue, security companies should strive to offer competitive salaries and benefits to their employees. This would not only attract skilled professionals but also incentivize them to stay in the industry for the long term. Additionally, providing opportunities for career development and progression within the security sector would give workers a sense of purpose and motivation to excel in their roles.

Another important aspect of improving the perception of security workers is to enhance their training and education. Currently, the training requirements for security workers vary widely.By establishing enhanced standardised and comprehensive training programs, security workers can acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their duties effectively and professionally.

The current professional certification system (SIA) for security workers does add some credibility and legitimacy to the industry. This certification serves as a good start but needs enhancing further. Although SIA certification is mandatory. more needs to be done to raise the overall standard of the industry.

The security industry also needs to actively engage in public outreach and education to change the perception of security workers. This can be done through various means such as community events, educational campaigns, and collaboration with other industries. By showcasing the importance and professionalism of security workers, we can challenge the stereotypes and prejudices that have plagued the industry for far too long.

In conclusion, it is imperative for the security industry to come together and improve the perception of security workers. This can be achieved through better terms and conditions, enhanced training and education, and active public outreach. By creating a robust profession that attracts dedicated individuals, we can ensure the safety and security of our communities while offering fulfilling careers to security workers

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G4S DWP Pay Update July 2023


Bulletin No July 2023    


GMB Union Update on DWP Pay Increase 2022/23


Dear GMB Members,


We hope this newsletter finds you in good spirits, despite the ongoing challenges we face in our negotiations with G4S. We want to keep you informed about recent developments and reaffirm our unwavering commitment to achieving fair terms for all our members.


We understand and share your frustration with the company’s delay tactics. It’s evident that they are attempting to prolong the negotiations in hopes of undermining our collective strength. However, we want to assure you that the GMB stands strong, and we won’t be deterred by these tactics.


We must address G4S’s offers, which fell short of our members’ expectations. During the stage one negotiations, a 5.15% increase was proposed, but it did not align with members’ feedback and was unanimously rejected. G4S then presented the same offer of 5.15% during stage two negotiations which was rejected by 95% of GMB members by ballot, clearly reflecting the sentiment of our members. Furthermore, during the second ACAS meeting, the company then proposed a one-off payment of £125, which our members felt was an insult given their hard work and dedication during the cost-of-living crisis.


Now, yesterday, G4S presented a two-year deal that raises serious concerns for our members. In the first year, the proposed 5.15% increase without any improved percentage or additional benefits to the offer that was rejected by GMB Members and is simply not enough to reflect your hard work and dedication. The second-year offer 4% for premium sites and 7% for standard & enhanced sites with percentages even lower than the current Average Weekly Earnings (AWE) March to May average (7.4%) is disappointing, to say the least. GMB representatives closely analysed the proposed deal and the potential impact on GMB members. We share your belief that this offer would leave many worse off, rather than improving our members’ collective situation.


Low Pay Commission (LPC) estimate the National Living Wage (NLW) will need to rise next year to between £10.90 and £11.43 to reach the government’s target. LPC central estimate of the on-course rate of the NLW for 2024 is £11.16


Having analysed the company’s two-year offer, your LNC (Local Negotiating Committee) representatives are actively working to relay your feedback. We are open to a further meeting with G4S at ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation, and Arbitration Service) to once again reaffirm what our hardworking members believe constitutes a fair wage.


Our resolve remains firm: we firmly believe that our members deserve a living wage that reflects their contributions. We have communicated our strong stance to the company and have made it clear that arbitration remains a viable path forward.


As your union, we stand united in our commitment to achieving a fair resolution that benefits all members. Your support is invaluable in these negotiations, and we thank you for standing together in solidarity.


We will continue to push for what is right and just, and we won’t back down until we achieve an outcome that uplifts our members and respects their hard work. Stay united, and let’s face these challenges together.


If you require further information, please contact your local GMB Representative or GMB Office


In solidarity,




GMB National Officer


Please ensure you share this update with non-members and encourage them to voice their opinions on pay by joining GMB:


G4S DWP Pay Update July 2023 Read More »


Bulletin No July 2023



Dear Members

We hope this newsletter finds you well. We are writing to thank all GMB members who took part in the recent consultative ballot on 2023 pay. Your participation and engagement in this important process have been invaluable.

We are pleased to announce that GMB members have voted overwhelmingly to accept the company’s offer. We have also notified the company of the results and they have indicated that the new pay rates will be implemented from 1st July and will be paid in July’s pay packet.

We want to take this opportunity to remind you that as members of this union, we are stronger together. Our voices and actions can make a real difference in improving our working conditions and securing fair and just treatment for all members. We urge you to continue to stay engaged, participate in union activities, and help us build a stronger and more united membership.

Once again, thank you for your participation and support. Together, we will continue to work towards a better future for all members of GMB within SERCO PECS.

Yours in Solidarity

Mick Butler

GMB Regional Officer


Tolpuddle Cancelled

Tolpuddle Martyrs’ Festival 2023 – CANCELLED

Event details
Fri, 14 Jul 2023 – 12:00 to
Sun, 16 Jul 2023 – 18:00. 

Today, organisers of the Tolpuddle Martyrs’ Festival have made the very difficult decision to cancel the remaining festival programme because of the extreme adverse weather conditions, and in the interests of everybody’s safety. 

Organisers have heeded Yellow Weather Warnings from the Met Office and have this morning closed the site to all new entrants. Access to the site is now impossible.  

In the interests of clarity, even though the weather is set to improve tomorrow, the rest of the festival will not be going ahead due to the logistical demands of safely resetting the site.   

TUC South West regional secretary Ines Lage said: “It is with extreme disappointment we have taken the difficult decision to call off this year’s festival but, with high winds predicted to reach 45mph today, the site is now unsafe for campers and visitors.  

“Our festival is a celebration of solidarity and unity. And this year we saw such solidarity in abundance as we sought to keep the festival going in adverse conditions. The kindness, patience and overwhelming support from festival attendees, and our wonderful crew and volunteers has brought home what the union movement is about. We are eternally grateful and will endeavour to extend that solidarity as we go forward as a community and a movement.”  

“It’s the first time extreme weather has caused the festival to be cancelled and I really hope it will be the last. I thank people for their understanding and look forward to welcoming them back in 2024.”  

Festival organisers confirm that all ticket-holders will be refunded over the next few weeks, and to await further instruction.

Tolpuddle Cancelled Read More »

Mitie HMT 2023 Pay Update

July 2023



Dear Members

We are writing to thank all GMB members who took part in the recent consultative ballot on the revised 2023 pay offer and to announce that GMB members have voted overwhelmingly to reject the company’s offer.

We have notified the company of the ballot result and met with them on Friday 7th July and have now jointly agreed to proceed to the collective conciliation stage at ACAS. We are currently awaiting suitable dates from ACAS which is now expected to be in September due to summer holidays.

We appreciate your understanding and ongoing support as we navigate through this process.

We will keep you updated on any further developments.

Please ensure that any colleagues who aren’t yet GMB members have their say on pay by joining GMB:

In Solidarity

Mick Butler

GMB Union Regional Organiser

Mitie HMT 2023 Pay Update Read More »

Loomis Bulletin July 2023


Dear members,     

Thank you to everyone who has given their feedback to GMB Reps and Officers regarding the Company’s proposed pension changes.

The Joint Trade Unions have held an initial NNC meeting with the Company where your Reps strongly and passionately fed back the views of members following the site visits.

The Reps made it clear to the Company that there was widespread anger on how the proposals would impact on some of the Company’s most long-serving staff.

Many members were angry that after everything members and the Company had been through in recent years that they felt their loyalty was being tossed aside.

They felt that the changes were unnecessary, especially given that the fairly limited savings that it represented, with many saying that this could lead to long-serving staff leaving the Company.

Many members also felt that the Company was taking with ‘one hand’ so that it could fund the next pay offer, which we believe could result in anger being directed at the next pay talks.

We have pressed them to withdraw their proposals because they are unnecessary, impact on long serving staff and won’t actually result in any significant savings.

We have a further meeting scheduled later this month to pick up the talks further.

We will update members following that meeting.

Yours in union

GMB NNC Reps                                                                                                                                   Eamon O’Hearn – National Officer


Loomis Bulletin July 2023 Read More »

Neurodiversity Training Motion 63

Motion 63 Neurodiversity Training – Paul Sony

Neurodiversity Training Motion 63 Read More »

Congress 2023

The GMB Congress is a platform where delegates come together to discuss and shape the future of the GMB. Among the attendees were Dave, Derek, and Tony, who attended as visitors, driven by their shared commitment to advocating for workers’ rights. This blog post focuses on their experience at the GMB Congress and the significant motions that were passed, shaping the GMB.

Dave, Derek, and Tony eagerly participated in the GMB Congress, fully aware of its significance as a rule change congress. They were thrilled to witness firsthand the democratic decision-making process and witness discussions that would shape the GMB’s future. The congress provided a unique opportunity for members to propose motions and discuss critical issues that affect workers across various industries.

The GMB Congress was a bustling arena of passionate debates, as members from different branches and backgrounds shared their perspectives. Dave, Derek, and Tony were inspired by the diversity of motions presented, which covered a wide range of subjects including workers’ rights, the environment, and equalities.

Throughout the congress, they witnessed motions being proposed, seconded, and passionately discussed on the congress floor. The atmosphere was electric, with delegates expressing their viewpoints, sharing personal experiences, and seeking support for their proposed changes. It was a true demonstration of democracy in action.

As visitors, Dave, Derek, and Tony were fascinated by the rule change process at the GMB Congress. They observed how these motions would impact the way the GMB is governed and managed. The congress provided a platform for members to voice their concerns and propose reforms that would shape the future direction of the GMB.

The motions passed at the congress represented the collective voice of GMB members. They reflected the aspirations, challenges, and vision of the labor movement. Dave, Derek, and Tony were impressed by the level of engagement and dedication exhibited by delegates in shaping a stronger, more inclusive future for workers.

Attending the GMB Congress as visitors proved to be an enlightening and empowering experience for Dave, Derek, and Tony. They witnessed firsthand the democratic process of proposing and debating motions that will shape the future of the GMB. The congress provided a platform for members to voice their concerns and contribute to the development of policies that address the needs and rights of workers.

As the congress drew to a close, Dave, Derek, and Tony left with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. They were inspired by the collective efforts of the delegates and the commitment to creating positive change within the labor movement. The GMB Congress demonstrated the power of unity, collaboration, and democratic decision-making, reminding us all of the importance of advocating for workers’ rights and equality.

Congress 2023 Read More »