Branch President - Tony Smith

The branch president leads meetings, enforces rules, and has a vote. They sign important documents and coordinate with the secretary for special committee meetings. If officials neglect their duties, they inform the regional secretary.

Branch Auditors - Paul France & Paul Sony

Branch Auditors conduct quarterly audits within a specific GMB branch. They must complete the examinations within 14 days after each quarter's end. The auditors have unrestricted access to all branch books and documents, including records of collecting stewards, to thoroughly review and assess financial transactions and records.

Branch Secretary - Dave Gigg

The branch secretary in the GMB union is essential for branch operations. They handle finances, records, correspondence, meetings, member transfers, reporting, and can call special meetings. They speak and vote on branch matters, aiding decision-making. Their role fosters communication, financial transparency, and administrative efficiency in the branch.

Branch Youth Officer - Vacant

The Branch Youth Officer actively recruits young members and advocates for their concerns within the branch. They promote youth-related issues, initiatives, and campaigns to ensure proper attention and consideration. By engaging with young members, they foster an inclusive and representative environment within the GMB.

Branch Equalities Officer - Paul Sony

Our Branch Equality Officer fosters inclusivity and equal rights for all members, regardless of protected characteristics. They support and advocate for a respectful and inclusive environment, promoting equality and celebrating diversity within the branch.

Branch Communications Officer - Derek Rawlings

The Branch Communications Officer manages branch communication channels, curating and disseminating vital information to keep members informed about activities. They maintain the website and social media, fostering transparency and engagement within the branch by providing access to news, events, campaigns, and initiatives.