GMB Submits Arbitration Terms to G4S

Bulletin October 2023

GMB Submits Arbitration Terms to G4S


Dear GMB Members,

We hope this newsletter finds you well and we want to reiterate again our thanks to members for your patience.As we reported previously the Company has suggested that it would take time a long time to agree the terms of reference, and who should arbitrate the dispute.

When GMB had previously agreed terms of reference etc with G4S in another business unit, it was completed quickly and simply via email.

So, on 3rd October GMB sent an initial proposal for terms and nominating ACAS to arbitrate, and on 12th October the Company responded, though without any suggested terms, so on the 13th GMB proposed the terms below:

“The arbitrator is asked to make a determination on the pay award, at a point between the final positions each of the parties reached in conciliation, for the staff covered by the G4S DWP contract for the 2022/23 annual pay period (anniversary 1st December 2022).”

We are now waiting for a response from the Company and will advise one we receive something.

Separately we have written to Tim Kendall, G4S Secure Solutions Managing Director, out of courtesy advising that we would be looking to convene meetings with DWP, and Shadow Labour Ministers to discuss issues impacting the DWP contract, and also wider security related matters.

There is a strong chance that there will be a new UK Government so now is an appropriate time to flag to them our members’ views on a wide range of issues. We will update members following these meetings.

Please ensure you share this update with non-members and encourage them to voice their opinions on pay by joining GMB:

In solidarity,

GMB DWP LNC                                                                                                                                                                              GMB National Officer

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