14 July 2023

Mitie HMT 2023 Pay Update

July 2023



Dear Members

We are writing to thank all GMB members who took part in the recent consultative ballot on the revised 2023 pay offer and to announce that GMB members have voted overwhelmingly to reject the company’s offer.

We have notified the company of the ballot result and met with them on Friday 7th July and have now jointly agreed to proceed to the collective conciliation stage at ACAS. We are currently awaiting suitable dates from ACAS which is now expected to be in September due to summer holidays.

We appreciate your understanding and ongoing support as we navigate through this process.

We will keep you updated on any further developments.

Please ensure that any colleagues who aren’t yet GMB members have their say on pay by joining GMB: https://www.gmb.org.uk/join-gmb

In Solidarity

Mick Butler

GMB Union Regional Organiser

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Loomis Bulletin July 2023


Dear members,     

Thank you to everyone who has given their feedback to GMB Reps and Officers regarding the Company’s proposed pension changes.

The Joint Trade Unions have held an initial NNC meeting with the Company where your Reps strongly and passionately fed back the views of members following the site visits.

The Reps made it clear to the Company that there was widespread anger on how the proposals would impact on some of the Company’s most long-serving staff.

Many members were angry that after everything members and the Company had been through in recent years that they felt their loyalty was being tossed aside.

They felt that the changes were unnecessary, especially given that the fairly limited savings that it represented, with many saying that this could lead to long-serving staff leaving the Company.

Many members also felt that the Company was taking with ‘one hand’ so that it could fund the next pay offer, which we believe could result in anger being directed at the next pay talks.

We have pressed them to withdraw their proposals because they are unnecessary, impact on long serving staff and won’t actually result in any significant savings.

We have a further meeting scheduled later this month to pick up the talks further.

We will update members following that meeting.

Yours in union

GMB NNC Reps                                                                                                                                   Eamon O’Hearn – National Officer


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